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Setup with Rclone


S3Drive is natively integrated with Rclone. Besides S3, you can connect to 70+ other back-ends.
You can keep using S3 through our native integration and generate respective Rclone configs automatically by using either drive mount or sync functions.
You can also connect to S3 by importing Rclone configuration as specified in our guide

S3Drive is fully compatible with Rclone cipher, you can use Rclone to import/export your files directly to S3.


If you want your Rclone config to be compatible with S3Drive, you need to set up single password with default salt. Please vote for adding support for these features. Custom salt and Secondary password support

Example config

Useful commands

rclone config file - display config file location

echo "YourPlaintextPassword" | rclone obscure - - obscure password


Most common misconfiguration is not using base64 in the filename_encoding. By default Rclone applies base32 encoding to all back-ends. We've decided to use base64 ( as it's more efficient and fully supported by the S3.


In case you're not using filepath encryption make sure to set suffix to none. Otherwise Rclone will add .bin suffix which isn't expected by the S3Drive.


type = s3
provider = Other
access_key_id = <access_key_id>
secret_access_key = <secret_access_key>
endpoint = <endpoint>
region = <region>

type = crypt
filename_encoding = base64
remote = s3drive_remote:<bucket_name>
password = <obscuredPassword>
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
suffix = none