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S3Drive is an actively maintained and constantly evolving project serving a diverse user base with versatile backgrounds and needs. In order to efficiently address the requirements of all our users, evaluate change requests, and fix bugs, we put in a lot of work.

Bug reports

With a cross-platform project of this size and complexity, bugs may occur. If you think you have discovered a bug, you can help us by submitting an issue in our public GitHub issues or Discord issues.

Rate/review app

If you like S3Drive, please consider rating our apps and leaving us a review. By doing so you help us to reach to the broader audience. It really means a lot to us.

iOS App Store

Android Google Play

Microsoft Store

Feature requests

If you've got an idea for a new feature, please reach out to us via Discord features or GitHub issues. Alternatively you can use our Features board.

General feedback

Would you like to present your workflow or perhaps would like to leave us a comment? Use Feedback form or visit our Discord


If you like our project and would like to support us, consider upgrading to our paid plan.

We're providing a privacy friendly file management tools available for anyone regardless of their financial status. We truly believe that privacy is one of the crucial human rights and everyone deserves to have it. We are already providing a generous package for free which is subsidized by users who decided to support us by choosing our Ultimate, Storage or Business offerings.